
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Diversity of Self

Ive been spending a lot of time alone or just generally just in my head. This has lead me to have conversations with far too many versions of myself.

Of course, it means I come up with great ideas that are more or less piled up on my desk just waiting to be realised, but it helps me understand me. Which one? All of them!

I think its good to be well rounded but right now Im feeling a little like a d20, with a few too many sides than there should be. Theres a strange mood spectrum I seem to exist on, often hopping between the variations far too quickly for anyones liking.

And thus, I find myself alone, internally dialoguing with sad Sian, cheerful Sian, practical Sian and hungry Sian, all clamouring for attention and to be the dominant mood. I wonder how many people get the same way.

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