
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Maturity, am I right?

I have had to deal with a lot of poopy stuff. Crappy lecturers, awful people, bad stuff happening like death and cancer. Sometimes I wonder how I managed to get to where I am – employed. In a relationship with almost 0 drama (aside from my own occasional outbursts). In a family I love to death even though they're all weird as balls (I mean, have you SEEN balls?).

I think it's about just doing the job. There are always going to be people who pick on you, who don't understand or your brain is just wired funny and you can't handle everything at once.

I've been meditating a lot lately. Just breathing, dealing with thoughts as things that don't affect me but exist. I've been having to deal with one of the most frustrating humans I've ever met at work. I broke down yesterday – hating everything about my life, job, the world, the universe. But when I went home, picked up by my partner bearing bubble tea, I had a moment.

My partner is a human being who has survived therapy, something I've never been comfortable considering – let alone doing. He has been a rock through some of the toughest times - unfortunately quite saturated in the last two and a half years. He didn't say anything other than “get out of your funk, Im coming with bubble tea.”

And that was it. Only the self can let crappy people, butt situations or random events affect you. You are in control of you and the situations presented to you or created by you. Why spend all your energy fighting something, being angry or frustrated or depressed. Just do. Just be. Just get the hell-damn on.

Yes, it's easy to say at the end of the emotionally tumultuous rainbow. But hell, I have a cat to take care of, meals to plan and bills to pay. I have family responsibilities and a responsibility to myself to do the best I can. What else can you do but your best, right?

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