
Monday, March 23, 2015

Ahhh, the men in my life...

Ok, so that's a little of a misleading title. I want to write about the parallels between my partner and Guppy, my cat. Thats all. Seriously.

This morning I realised how similar the two are.

They're always the first on the bed - picking their spot and i need to maneuver around them. Although the difference here is I can roll my partner over or make eyes at him so he moves... but the cat shall not be moved. Nope. Not the cat. Cat sits where cat fits and apparently the whole goddamn bed is just right.

They both also cry to be fed. Now my partner will occasionally come and stay over. If he's gone drinking he knows its probably better to crash at my house. If my mothers away he'll visit more often to make sure I havent gone mad in the corner of my room somewhere. When he's over and hungry he'll ask me what we're having for the upcoming meal. This is his way of telling me he's hungry. Guppy is a little more forward. He just screams.

Then there's waking them up. Guppy will sleep until he feels like darting all over the house. My partner will sleep until the house is burning down. He'll wake up, sure, when he's ready - but ONLY when he's ready. Asshole.

Then there's the fact that whenever I see either of them I want to squeeze them until their eyes pop out... but I never do.

I mean, I hug them just not too tight.

Mostly just the cat though. I hug-squeeze my partner all the time. I try lift him up too but when I do he gets a little mad.

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