
Monday, November 17, 2014

There are things I cannot explain.

Hello! Why are you here? Who knows! But you are now, so stay a while.

The other day I was watching a metric buttload of QI, one of the world's greatest shows, and there was a whole bit about hysteria.

Apparently hysteria used to be understood as a wandering womb. Now, I dont necessarily have a womb that wanders. I have a double reinforced one or something with the probable adenomyosis but today i talk about... THE FEELS.

gaddamnnnn son.
As a female, there is a time where my body expels awful awful things and makes me feel awful. It's just a lot of awful. That said, it is always a time for "Im not pregnant yay!" things but again we're talking feels.

So with the feels; about 2 weeks before the expulsion (hehehe), I start to get all the feelings. I cry over everything. So far it has been pictures of puppies, the Fine Brother's Teens React to Malala, a Yogscast update video and getting a positive outcome on a WoD garrison mission that had a 70% success chance.

I have little under a fortnight for more cries. Let's see how it goes.

Update: I literally just cried over my brain-pronunciation of "momentous". I blame this

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